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Christmas Homework / Private Study

Use your grid to catch up and update your blogs and develop your research. There are many items to research - just tick off the list as you go.

1. Research:
INDIVIDUAL BLOG: Find and embed extracts and grabs that inspire you or that you'd like to emulate in your work. You might focus on camerawork, editing, lighting, mise-en-scene etc...
Similarly, research soundtracks! Embed as you go...
INDIVIDUAL BLOG: update / complete your Narrative Research, specifically by applying the theories to existing films and to your own opening.
INDIVIDUAL BLOG / GROUP BLOG: Audience Research - questionnaires (general on thriller genre and specific to test your pitch), interviews (filmed) and figures/ stats to establish exactly who your target audience are. You should publish your results on the group blog along with a description of one of your typical audience member ( make it visual - example to follow).

2. Planning:
GROUP BLOG: Pitch (and feedback received), shotlist and storyboard should be posted as a bare minimum. Completed TIMELINE strongly welcome.

INDIVIDUAL BLOG: ideas for costumes, props, mise-en-scene, lighting.

3. Planning:
Recce shots, test shoots etc... Pictures of potential locations etc...

4. Research:
INDIVIDUAL BLOG: Research Production / Distribution Companies in more detail. Some of you have started some research but now dig 'deeper' and give examples of what they do / films produced / distributed.
In class, we briefly looked at some production companies - you might want to start here but explore further on your own.
Coffee Films
Hammer Film Productions

Here is an example of one student's research into the question.

OF COURSE, WE WISH YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Find the time to work, rest and play

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