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Home Learning/ private study due in 22 or 23.11 - for week beginning 7.2.11

- Research Thriller sub-genres and different ways of categorising them. Focus on 2 or 3 sub-genres and illustrate with film extracts, film posters, and screen grabs from films.

- Read the sheet on Thriller Conventions very carefully and start finding examples to illustrate the different conventions highlighted. This should be on-going from now on.

- Now the groups have been agreed, each group is a now a production company - it needs a name and a logo. Come up with a name and designs for your logo. Look at existing examples of Film production companies as part of your research to get some inspiration.

ALL THE ABOVE COUNT DIRECTLY TOWARDS THE RESEARCH PART OF YOUR COURSEWORK. Look at the mark scheme for clarification (in your guidance packs).

- Finally, your documentaries on genre should be exported by the beginning of next week so that the other class can watch and evaluate them.
This means that the edit must be fine-tuned and exported by the end of Monday 21.11.11.
I'll upload them to YouTube so that you can embed them into your blogs.

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