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for Thursday 20 January CATCH UP!

- You will be starting by explaining what you have done / worked on since last lesson, personally and as a group. We will look through the blogs.

- Unfortunately some of you still have not caught up with set work and that means more cause for concern sheets.

- You should all have updated your personal blogs several times:
* what your involvement has been so far, your thoughts on the group's project, progress etc, what needs doing next,
* embedded film sequences with screengrabs and comments,
* Propp and Barthes work (properly),
* others students' blogs you have looked at, linked, with your own comments,
* embedded films from previous candidates with comments,
* posters and DVD covers with analysis (choose models for your own),
* ideas for your own, marketing (including production and distribution) notes, ideas for production company name and logo,
* ideas for soundtrack with relevant embedded clips.
Keep the evaluation questions in mind to complete all the relevant research.

No one is on a level 3 or 4 at present for research and planning.

Tomorrow, you will have produced your rough cut with titles and rough soundtrack by the end of the lesson ready to be presented next week for feedback.

Finally, keep labels clear and organised - don't use more than 10 or 12. Group 1 needs to review their label list.

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