What is perhaps unusual about the coursework Portfolio is that for the Research and Planning AND the Evaluation elements of your blog, PRESENTATION AND CREATIVE USE OF ICT AND DIGITAL MEDIA appear in the criteria.
Below is a timeline of the opening credits of Se7en created with Timetoast:
(timeline view) You could use this to transform the shotlist / storyboard / list of titles etc.
You can also use the Text view of the timeline. Below is someone charting what they've done so far in Media. You could do this to chart how much planning you've done for instance...
Please refer to my email about what needs to be completed. Remember that you need to film this week/ weekend and next week.
In addition, remember that without solid audience research and a clearly defined target audience, you won't get a level 4 for Research and Planning.
On top of your BBFC research, think about the following:
You must have identified a clear target audience and you must show the steps you've taken to identify it and to test your ideas against this specified audience. This doesn't mean just an endless series of questionnaires. Use the range of techniques discussed in class including interviews, preferably with your target audience, and the tools available through Web 2.0.
Look at similar films and research their audiences - How was it marketed to appeal to the target audience? What are the viewing figures?
You must be able to answer these questions fully and with illustrations: 1. What is the core target audience? Is there a secondary target audience? 2. How would you describe the look and tastes of your target audience? (collage with key words)
And later, after a little more research and teaching, you also need to answer this: 3. What functions does this kind of film genre serve to its audience? (uses and gratifications audience theory - why not start researching that?
Think of films which features similar plots / characters / settings / types of editing and screengrabs / comment / analyse.